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National Day – A Proud Event Branding Project

National Day – A Proud Event Branding Project

The moment of pride when several government agencies contact you to handle the entire government event branding project for the 40th UAE National Day, is unimaginable. It was as though all the quality work Cornerstone had completed in the past few decades, had come to fruition.

Cornerstone was entrusted with branding the 1000 sq.m surrounding area of the Abu Dhabi stadium.

Out of a host of advertising agencies that were vying for the Event Branding contract, Cornerstone won the first set of projects and was followed by more and more government agencies contacting our office to hand the rest of the projects to us. Surprisingly, some of the temporary structures we raised for the Event was kept on for several more months due to the quality of workmanship. It was a few weeks of absolute pride that the team will never forget.